Find code and diagrams at: The commands chown and chmod allow you to change permissions and ownership of files and folders, but you also need to know the membership of groups to make sure permissions and ownership is appropriate. View Group Membership groups – shows groups you belong to groups username – shows groups user belongs to cat /etc/group | less – Allows you to view Group file that has all groups and members members groupname – Shows members of a specific group Members is not installed by default in Ubuntu. Install with: sudo apt-get install members Change Ownership of Files and Folders chown owner:group file – Changes Account Owner and Group Owner of File chown :group file – Changes Group Owner of File chwon -R owner:group folder – Changes Account Owner and Group Owner of Folder and changes contents recursively Change Permissions chmod 777 file – Changes permissions of file so that Account Owner can RWX, Group Owner can RWX, and Everyone can RWX chmod -R 777 folder – Changes permissions of Folder and Contents so that Account Owner can RWX, Group Owner can RWX, and Everyone can RWX -R is for recursive which means the contents of the folder will be changed also